When choosing the paint for the exterior of your home, you want to choose the right one. From colors to the type of paint that works best for exterior surface, it can be an overwhelming choice. This paint is going to have to withstand the forces of nature and should be chosen with care. You are faced with the question “oil or latex?” LW Winslow Painting, Inc. share some information about oil and latex paints and explain when you should use them as well as on what surfaces.
When to Use Oil Paint
Many people have moved away from using oil based paint when doing projects around their home. There are still some projects that can benefit from oil based paint rather than latex. There aren’t as many options when it comes to oil based paint, but when you are looking for a durable enamel, you won’t find one more durable than good old fashioned oil paint. The finish is hard and will keep the surface from blocking. This is described as two painted surfaces sticking together once painted like a door and door jamb. Some surfaces that are perfect for oil paint include:
-Molding, Doors & Windows
-Metal Surfaces
When is Latex Paint Preferred
The wide variety in color choices and finish options make latex paint a popular choice. Everybody uses latex paint for most of the surfaces they paint. The cleanup is much easier and less messy than dealing with oil based paint. Another benefit includes the fast dry time you get when you choose a latex paint. There really isn’t any surface that you paint that can’t be painted with latex paint. It is not quite as durable as oil based paint, but it comes in a variety of colors and provides a beautiful finish.
What Outdoor Paint is Best for Exterior Surfaces
So now begs the question, “which is better for the exterior of my home?” Oil paint is a very durable option and will work the best if you have oil paint currently on your home. It will adhere to the old paint very well and you will see less cracking over time. If you don’t have oil based paint currently on the exterior of your home, you can use latex paint and get beautiful results. Latex paint is durable and the choices are endless when it comes to color and finish. So to answer the question, it depends on the home whether or not you will use oil or latex paint.
Painting Services & More in Amagansett, East Hampton, Southampton, Wainscott, Bridgehampton, Montauk, Sag Harbor, Shelter Island, Watermill, Westhampton & The Hamptons New York
When you are choosing the right paint for the exterior of your home, it is best to enlist the help of a professional painting company like LW Winslow Painting, Inc. Our expert painters know which type of paint would be the best option for your home. You will not be sorry you chose us when you see the beautiful results in the end. Call us today!