Many folks opt to complete an interior painting project on their own. Where getting a professional can save you time, money, and energy; there are some useful things to do when taking on this task. Today, we at L.W. Winslow Painting, Inc would like to share the dos and don’ts of painting your walls.
Interior Wall & Ceiling Painting Tips
1. Painting Preparation Work. Make the walls and shelves bare by removing the art work and nick-knacks. Push as much of the furniture as you can out of the room or into the center of room and properly covered. Remove dust and spots from the walls by wiping them down. Tape off the edges and moldings and cover the floors with drop cloths and/or plastic sheets. Be sure to remove the switch plates, doorknobs, curtain hardware, etc and place them together in a bag to keep track of them.
2. Create a Work Station. Accumulate all equipment, tools, supplies, and products needed for your project and keep it on a plastic sheet to create your painting station. Paint, trays, brushes, rollers, extensions, painter’s tape, ladders, painting stir sticks, rags, paint thinner, paint can opener, screwdrivers, hammers, and thing you are partial to for your painting task. There is no such thing as over-prepared.
3. Know Your Color Before You Commit. If you are uncertain of the shade you want to paint each wall, buy a quart of paint of the color you think you want. Paint a foam board and hold it up to the wall in different light to see if it’s the right shade for before spending the time and effort putting it on your walls. Once you are satisfied, buy the appropriate quantity.
4. Wear Your Rags to Paint. It is never a good idea to wear your nicer clothes and risk getting paint on them, opt for more beaten clothes you don’t mind tossing if they get besmirched.
5. Understand Painting Techniques. If you are choosing to try out some unique painting patterns, make certain you have gathered the useful tools and have everything you need for the room you are about to tackle. Gain as much knowledge as possible prior to the project, more information you have the better.
6. Use Quality Paint. Invest in a high quality painting tray and line it with disposable liners. Having a nice paint job is worth the few extra bucks.
7. Keep Extra Paint. Keep extra paint on hand for touch-ups. Inexpensive foam or painter’s brushes come in handy for quick repairs.
Painting Mistakes to Avoid
1. Don’t Paint Over Wallpaper. Remove as much wallpaper as possible. If the wallpaper is stubborn and you have tried a few methods, sand away any frayed edges and prime. If you allow wallpaper to stay, it will more than likely bleed through the paint and be easily spotted.
2. Don’t Paint Out of Order. Start with the ceiling, walls, door, floor boards, and floor if you are painting the entire room. Doing otherwise can contribute to a confusing mess.
3. Don’t Close Off Room. Don’t shut the doors and keep the windows closed. Opening all your windows and doors will promote good ventilation and you need it to escape the concentrated fumes.
4. Don’t Neglect Your Paint Brushes & Rollers. Even if you don’t plan on re-using them again. Clean them as soon as possible to keep them usable and avoid accidental messes.
5. Don’t Dispose of Your Paint Unsafely. If you choose to not hold on to your paint, make sure they are discarded correctly.
6. Don’t Rush Your Painting Project. Be sure to make enough time for this project, expect it to take the whole day to avoid rush jobs. By taking your time and working at a slower place, your paint job will look more proficient and crisp.
7. Don’t Neglect Paint Can. Don’t attempt to replace the lid until the rim has been wiped cleaned. Wipe the rim down with a rag and hammer down the lid. It will allow for better containment and optimal cleanup.
8. Don’t Rush Painting & Decorating. It is in your best interest to allow a minimum of 24 hours for walls to dry before putting the furniture back, hardware installed, and your art work hung. Be sure to also permit 30 days to cure before wiping or cleaning walls.
Professional Painting Services in Amagansett, East Hampton, Southampton, Wainscott, Bridgehampton, Montauk, Sag Harbor, Shelter Island, Watermill, Westhampton & The Hamptons New York
Painting can be overwhelming and time consuming, instead of messing with the hassle, contact L.W. Winslow Painting, Inc today and let us do the dirty work!