More and more people are leaving wallpaper behind for the diversity of paint. The smooth solid color of paint and being able to choose any color and easily change the look of each room over time is becoming a popular desire among homeowners. However, before you decide to paint your papered walls you must first remove the wallpaper. Never paint on top of wallpaper because the wallpaper creases and the lines will show through. This will make the room look tacky. However removing wallpaper can become an annoying and tedious task. L.W. Winslow Painting, Inc will help make this task less tedious and make removing wallpaper much easier and quicker.
Strippable Wallpaper Removal
For those who know what it is like to remove wallpaper you will recall these problems: Wallpaper that rips away in tiny pieces with the biggest being no bigger then a foot at a time. Another issue when removing wallpaper is when the wallpaper comes off in two layers making the person removing the wallpaper needing to work twice. If you’re lucky, the wallpaper might be the strippable kind which will allow you to use either the Dry-Stripping method or the Chemical or Steam Treatment methods.
Dry-Stripping Wallpaper Removal
Step 1. First you will want test to see if the wallpaper is the strippable kind of wallpaper. You can start by ripping at a corner or seam of the wallpaper. You can use a putty knife or razorblade to start lifting the wallpaper at the seams. Then slowly peel back the wallpaper in a 10 to 15 degree angle.
Step 2. If the paper peels off easily, you might be able to remove the rest with ease. If the wallpaper is being stubborn in some areas, always remove each strip from the corners. Remember the 10 or 15 degree angle rule. Do not pull straight back this can damage the wall.
Step 3. Now you will need to remove the old adhesive from off the walls. Do this by using a solution that is a heavy-duty detergent. Find one with a high level of trisodium phosphate. Use the solution in a bucket and with a sponge to remove the adhesive. Then wash off the wall with cold water and allow it dry before re-painting.
Note: Make sure to wear gloves because the detergent can burn the skin.
Chemical Soak Wallpaper Removal
Step 1. When using this method you will need to score the wallpaper first. This will allow the chemical to penetrate through the paper and seep deep enough to make the adhesive remove more easily.
Step 2. Read the directions. Some chemical wallpaper remover will require it to be mixed with water. Check the bottle of the wallpaper remover for proper amount of dilution. Use either a sponge, a paint roller, or spray bottle to apply the chemical. Allow the chemical solution to soak for 20 to 30 minutes or as otherwise directed.
Note: At this point always wear gloves, to protect your skin for the wallpaper remover.
Step 3. After the wallpaper remover has had time to soak, use a putty knife and scrape the wallpaper from off the wall.
Step 4. If any adhesive remains, use apple cider vinegar to remove the rest of the residue. Wash wall with water and allow the wall to dry before painting.
How to Remove Wallpaper with a Steamer
Step 1. You will want to scour the paper just like the chemical wallpaper remover. When you’re scoring the wallpaper, use crisscross patterns with the scoring tool.
Step 2. Prepare the steamer much like a clothes iron. Allow it to heat up and remember, it will require water.
Step 3. Hold the steamer against the wallpaper with mild pressure until the wallpaper becomes soft, then use a scraper to remove the wallpaper. Take one section at a time, one piece at a time.
Step 4. Remove the old adhesive with the same sponge and solution as before. Then wash the walls with water and allow the wall to dry before painting.
Wallpaper, Painting & More in Amagansett, East Hampton, Southampton, Wainscott, Bridgehampton, Montauk, Sag Harbor, Shelter Island, Watermill, Westhampton & The Hamptons New York
L.W. Winslow Painting, Inc hopes we’ve made removing old wallpaper and preparing for your homes new painted look, easier and quicker. If you find yourself needing assistance with your painting project, contact L.W. Winslow Painting, Inc today for a quick yet professional job that is well done.