When you are looking at painting the exterior of your home you are probably considering several things. You might look at the roof color or the trim you color you like. You might take into consideration the color of the surrounding houses and the look of the neighborhood. You also may think about your own personal style and what you like for the curb appeal for your home. Have you ever thought about the color you choose attracting pests? The color that you choose for the exterior of your home could be just the color that attracts particular types of pests. When you look into a paint color you may want to consider what pests you may be inviting. L.W. Winslow Painting, Inc. considers what pests might be attracted to what exterior paint colors.
What Paint Color Attract Birds the Most?
No one wants a bunch of nuisance birds nesting on their home or flying towards their windows. The problem is that the color you paint your home could be just what the birds are looking for. Birds can cause damage to the siding, roof and fascia of your home. Most birds are looking for colors that mimic the food they like to eat. That happens to be berries so if you have a home that is brightly colored the birds may think that your home means food. If you are worried about birds nesting and not really looking for food a grey or brown color may attract some birds. They want to find a place that is hidden away and safe.
Does Dark Color Paint Attract Bugs?
We know that most people would never want to see bugs hanging around their home. Bugs are a pest that many people are fearful of and will do what you can to keep them away from their home. They are able to see color in the UV spectrum and that means that they are more attracted to colors that are bright. Why? They are out looking for a place to find a meal. The brighter colors such as yellow and orange are the same as flowers. Colors that most bugs want to keep away from are green and even some blues. While darker colors may save you from bees and beetles, they can attract a different insect – mosquitos.
Is there a Paint Color that Repels Mosquitoes?
If you live in an area that has problems with mosquitoes you may want to stay away from paint colors that attract them. The funny thing about mosquitoes is that they see color and perceive it differently than bugs. The darker the color the easier it is for mosquitoes to see it. That means if you paint your home a darker color you may be the perfect attraction for mosquitoes. Just like the experts say to wear light colors when you are around mosquitoes the same goes for paint. If you can get away with white or light colored paint it will act as a deterrent for mosquitoes.
Interior & Exterior Painting & More in Amagansett, Bridgehampton, East Hampton, Hampton Bays, Montauk, North Haven, North Sea, Noyack, Shelter Island, Sag Harbor, Shinnecock Hills, Southampton, Springs, Water Mill, Westhampton & Westhampton Beach, New York
If you need help choosing your next exterior paint color palette, call L.W. Winslow Painting, Inc. In addition to expert painting services, we also offer helpful paint color consultations.