Whether you have just bought a new house or you have lived in your home for a while it may be time to change the look. The great thing is that you can make some changes to your living space that can potentially make a big impact. Your house needs to have its style updated just like anything else in your life. You update your hairstyle, clothing style and much more so why stop when you get to the look of your house. The style of your living space can be dated and many times needs to be changed out to keep up with your personality and sense of style.
L.W. Winslow Painting, Inc. Lists Things You Should Avoid When Updating the Look Of Your Living Space
Painting The Walls A Bland Color: One thing that people tend to do when they are deciding to make over their living space is to paint the walls a very bland color. They go with white or tan and cover each and every wall. These colors are great for some homes that are going for a very particular look and feel or are for sale but if you want to have a fun room, these colors are not for you. Be ready to change out the color in the walls with something new and fun that will show off your style. If you are afraid to commit to a bright or bold color for the entire room you can go with some accent colors. One way to do that is to use a more muted color for all the walls but one. On the other wall you can use a bolder color as an accent wall. You can also use wallpaper on the walls as an accent or even to cover the walls all together.
Arranging Your Furniture Lining the Walls: After you have finally gotten the wall color just right you are ready to move in the furniture. This is a great time to replace some of the pieces with something new, fresh and more modern. The problem is that many people don’t know how to move the furniture into the room so that it makes sense. If you move it in and push it up along all the walls in the room you are making a rookie mistake. The best thing to do is to make a seating area with your couches and chairs that are pulled away from the wall. That will open the space up to use for other things such as walkways. If you look at design magazines that show off a great living space they always have a more intimate seating area.
Blank Walls With No Decorations: After you have nice clean walls, some people want to leave them that way and choose to stay away from decorating them. If you want your house to look like a home, these finishing touches are important. You need to use family pictures, wall décor and paintings to show off your style and look. These are the embellishments that really finish the room and show your style. You can update your frames on old pictures that you want to keep using.